Get the perks of a 24/7 Sales Team WITHOUT the expense

thanks to our ChatGPT Sales Assistant.

STOP 'Out of Hours' leads going unanswered, wasting time on unqualified prospects, and losing sales to competitors that are faster to the phone.

I don’t know what your biz looks like. We just met.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a biz owner that’s working the leads yourself…

Or you’re someone that has a team doing it for you.

Neither you nor your sales peeps can work 24/7/365.

And because of that…You’re vulnerable to:

  • Leads coming in overnight that end up freezing cold by morning.

  • ‘Ready to Buy’ customers getting lost to competitors because there was no one free to chat.

  • Prime Prospects that enquire over the weekend and forget who you are

    by Monday.

I’m not beating up on you here.

I struggled with this too… until I met Mr. AI.

Mr. AI is the brains behind the A.I. Sales Assistant. In the beginning, he was just a regular guy that needed to turn leads into sales, like the rest of us .

Mr. AI partnered with high-end contractors … these guys weren’t great at answering the phone fast, and weirdly had a hard time qualifying their own customers.

Good-quality prospects were being thrown away.

Leads were sitting around going cold.

Mr. AI weighed his options.

One of his options was to do nothing. He could accept that well over HALF of the leads that came into the business … would be dead on arrival and never turn into a sale.

Accepting that if he wanted more sales, he’d have to keep throwing more and more at marketing and lead gen.

Knowing, he may as well set fire to half of that cash spent. That didn’t sit well.

Those extra $1000s per month going up in smoke, would quickly add up to a down payment on a house.

Mr. AI could hire a top salesperson to help work the leads. At $30/hour for 40 hours/week. That’s $1,200/week or over $60,000 per year.

That’s more money he’d be out UPFRONT before seeing any more sales … and then he’s still got to train them. Plus, asking highly-skilled, expensive workers to do menial and monotonous tasks felt like a huge waste.

Instead, Mr. AI needed something that could cope with asking repetitive qualification questions, without ever missing a reply.

Would be quick-witted enough to adapt against the most contrary prospects, without ticking them off.

And would be available 24/7/365.

Even the most committed salesperson couldn’t fit the bill.

Around the same time, ChatGPT started taking the world by storm and Mr. AI got super curious!

Could he get the A.I. to understand if someone was qualified for a service, based on the information it was fed?

And could he then ask it to respond appropriately, intelligently and in a human-like fashion?

Could he build a Sales Android?

So, what makes an A.I. Sales Assistant different?

If you’ve ever tried to use a typical Chatbot or automated tool before…You’ll know that if you give an ‘invalid answer’, the dumb-bot goes haywire and gives a nonsensical response. Leaving the person on the other end, feeling cheated and back to square one.

With a ChatGPT-Fueled Sales Assistant….By laying out a set of instructions, the A.I. knows that its main objective is to sell to the prospect and mimic a natural, human-like response.

(so if hard-core sales are your thing, you can even ask it to close "Jordan Belfort" style - you know, the dude from Wolf of Wall Street).

But because the A.I. has access to all previous conversations, it learns to intuitively reply and chat with your potential customers, via an infinite number of messages.

Like this:

Try as you might, you won’t hit that annoying feedback loop we all despair from other dumb-bots out there.

And by hooking this up with a booking assistant…You’ll move prospects even closer to a sale, by getting them to choose a specific time to speak directly with you or your team.

Pretty cool, huh?

So instead of spinning your wheels working leads that are too premature to close…

Hitting job boards and recruiters in search of staff, because your current sales peeps are swamped...

or you’re snowed under working the leads yourself.

The Sales Android would do the majority of the heavy lifting for you.

Leaving you available for things that require more finesse and are a valuable use of your time.

Just think of how much time you’ll be freeing up. The result for your biz?

  • Booked appointments skyrocket!

  • Consistent sales!

  • Client acquisition costs fall through the floor.

If you’re all for implementing A.I. in your business? But think that getting an A.I Assistant working properly, without costly glitches…sounds like a lot to figure out. You’d be right.

To do this on your own, from a standing start is no small task. Some of you tech-heads might be up for the challenge of developing your own A.I. Booking Assistant? That’s totally cool.

But, if you’d like to skip all that…

We're Custom-Building & Handing Over The Controls to Your Own A. I. Sales Assistant

Like Mr. AI, you can SLASH your acquisition costs whilst TRIPLING your successful appointments by deploying an A.I. Booking Assistant Sales into your business.

Our full Done For You service means you can power up your own Robotic AI Sales Machine, without lifting a finger.

So instead of spending close to 372 hours figuring this out yourself, or paying $1,000s for a developer to build it all for you…You can have yours up and running in a couple of days.

We’ll program this A.I. Booking Assistant so that it works specifically with your offer and get it starting conversations, that get quick customer replies and buy-in.

We’ll then give it a 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐education so it can qualify deals like your best salesperson and be trusted to work on your behalf.

Next we’ll squeeze way more juice out of your database by initiating an SMS campaign and have the A.I. instantly chat with them.

We call this our “Appointment Booster’ Campaign.

Turn cold conversations back into red hot leads resulting in an influx of booked appointments and potential NEW SALES from Day 1.

I have never seen a faster way for companies to bring in an extra 10, 15 or 30 deals per month

No one else is doing this right now!

This ‘done for you’ service means we’ll custom-build your own Sales Android, plug it into your business AND show you or your sales team how to get the most out of it.

Here's all you’ve got to do to get MORE Sales out of LESS Leads with an A.I. powered Sales Assistant who works for you 24/7/365.

You don’t have to send ANY money today.

All you have to do to get the ball rolling is answer the 3 questions below so I know a little more about your biz...

All you have to do to get the ball rolling is answer the 3 questions below so I know a little more about your biz...

Once we’ve talked next steps…I’ll then just need a few details from you, so I can set you up with a Sales Android of your own.

Don’t delay! (we’re expecting to fill the limited spaces, FAST).

To your success,


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